General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions of PANSOMA GmbH

  1. Scope
    These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all contracts between the client and the software company for the supply of software products and services.
  2. Object of the contract
    The software company supplies the client with software products and services in accordance with the specifications set out in the contract.
  3. Pricing and payment terms
    The prices for the software products and services are laid down in the contract. Invoices are payable within 30 days of their receipt. Should the client fail to meet a payment deadline, the software company reserves the right to charge default interest in the amount of 9.2% p.a.
  4. Retention of ownership
    The software company retains ownership of the supplied software products until the purchase price has been paid in full.
  5. Warranty
    The software company warrants that the supplied software products and services meet the agreed specifications. The client must immediately check the supplied software upon delivery and notify the software company immediately and in writing of any defects. The software company has the right to repair or replace the defective software. In case of a legitimate defect, the client has the right to a repair or replacement at no additional cost.
  6. Liability
    The software company is only liable for damage caused through gross negligence or intent. The liability is capped at the value of the software product in question.
  7. Secrecy
    The software company undertakes to keep secret all information it becomes aware of in the course of its business dealings with the client.
  8. Privacy
    The software company only processes the client’s personal data within the scope of the statutory provisions. These data are only passed on to third parties for the purpose of handling orders.
  9. Final provisions
    Any amendments or additions to these GTC must be made in writing. These GTC are governed by Austrian law. The venue is the place where the registered office of the software company is located.